Introduction: Being able to clearly explain the benefits of something Describing habits and tendencies in the past and present.
課程簡介: 這堂課將教你一些正向並有效率地溝通方式!
Introduction: Students have the ability to converse effectively during a conference.
課程簡介: 這堂課將讓你在會議的過程中有能力做有效率地交談與討論。
Introduction: Students can identify the process of making decisions.
課程簡介: 這堂課將教會你如何在決議過程中做正確的判斷。
Introduction: Being able to interact properly during meeting discussions.
課程簡介: 這堂課將教你如何正確地在會議中與人互動。
Introduction: Start and maintain small talk with people
課程簡介: 這堂課將教你在與新接觸的人交談開始並可以維持交流的小技巧。
Introduction: Be able to properly make business calls on the phone.
課程簡介: 這堂課將教你如何正確的撥打商務電話!
Introduction: Getting better at using the conditional form and improving your problem solving skills in English.
Introduction: Learning to talk about and describe work experiences. Being able to use the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous tenses.
Introduction: Learning how to talk about managing people, talk about management and human resources and make travel arrangement.