
Business Departments-The salesperson

Introduction: Talk about the sales process. Do you know how to lead a meeting at work ? Do you understand promotions and sales. If you don’t, you will!
課程簡介: 談論到銷售流程時,你知道如何在工作上主持、主導一個會議嗎? 你了解何謂促銷及銷售的關係嗎? 如果你還不了解,這堂課你將會學到這些!

Business Departments-Customer Service

Introduction: You will learn to communicate with our co-workers in an office environment. You will also go over some vocabulary that you’ll need to use when talking to a customer service agent, or to customers yourself as an employee.
課程簡介: 你將學習在辦公環境中與同事夥伴溝通。 你還將學習在與客戶服務交談時需要使用的詞彙,或者以客服身份與客戶交談的方式。

Email 06-Enquiries-2

Introduction: Even in informal emails, it is important to use polite language. In this lesson, we are going to teach you how to use polite language to write or reply emails.
課程簡介: 即使在不太正式的電子郵件裡,使用禮貌的用語仍是一件很重要的。這堂課裡將會教你如何使用禮貌性的用語來書寫及回信。

Email 05-Enquiries-1

Introduction: Do you sometimes have trouble when you have to say your email or website address in English? In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say it and request information.
課程簡介: 你有時候是否在用英文說出電子郵件或網址時會遇到困難呢? 這堂課裡將會教你如何敘述以及向別人請求的用法。