2017諾貝爾文學獎出爐了,走在東京街頭,大概走幾步就會踩到村上村樹粉絲們破碎滿地的心,因為今年諾貝爾文學獎得 …
Introduction: Getting better at using the conditional form and improving your problem solving skills in English.
Introduction: Learning to talk about and describe work experiences. Being able to use the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous tenses.
Introduction: Learning how to talk about managing people, talk about management and human resources and make travel arrangement.
Introduction: Talk about the sales process. Do you know how to lead a meeting at work ? Do you understand promotions and sales. If you don’t, you will!
課程簡介: 談論到銷售流程時,你知道如何在工作上主持、主導一個會議嗎? 你了解何謂促銷及銷售的關係嗎? 如果你還不了解,這堂課你將會學到這些!
Introduction: You will learn to communicate with our co-workers in an office environment. You will also go over some vocabulary that you’ll need to use when talking to a customer service agent, or to customers yourself as an employee.
課程簡介: 你將學習在辦公環境中與同事夥伴溝通。 你還將學習在與客戶服務交談時需要使用的詞彙,或者以客服身份與客戶交談的方式。
Introduction: Being able to talk about the future. Discussing what makes a good design.
課程簡介: 談論關於未來趨勢的技術(穿戴式技術),討論什麼是一個好的設計。
Introduction: The accidental model. In this lesson, you will learn about a woman who fights against ageism.
Introduction: Discuss options and decide what to do; Make offers and promises.
課程簡介: 這堂課將討論企業需要考慮的選擇並如何決定要做甚麼:報價以及承諾(產品差異化)。